F a n a t i c s f o r F a n a t i c s

LUCIFUGUM "...back to chopped down Roots" (...назад к порубанным Корням) tape

LUCIFUGUM "...back to chopped down Roots"

LUCIFUGUM "...back to chopped down Roots"

Eight's cup of dust with hate to the holy rags of the morality

They won’t heap up their bones to raise the throne. They are Throne by themselves - alone and proud. When you will shiver, they will sing their song among the swamps, among coldness and hunger.

Definition: Antidogmatic Poisoned Black Metal
Country: Ukraine
Year: 2003 l.t.
Format: tape with 6 pages booklet and two-sided oracal stickers, lim. to 519 h/n copies
Total time: 41:13

Track list:
1. кровь /06:33/
2. вьёт цепи /04:35/
3. тащит корни /05:18/
4. висит грозой /05:03/
5. падает семенем /04:52/
6. жжёт сыростью /05:03/
7. пепел /06:45/
8. Through Blood By Thunder /03:59/